
So…where to begin?  I have been finding myself to be extremely busy lately.  I am working on my book Dragon Magick.  It is almost complete.  I got some very useful and constructive criticism in regards to content from a potential publisher.  This book will definitely have a more beginner’s feel to it, but it will set a proper tone for the beginner.  A solid foundation is extremely important before embarking on any journey.  Bardic studies with OBOD will certainly emphasize that point.

With my book, I am thrilled that it represents the basis of foundation. I worried that the title Dragon Magick could lend someone to believe that this book would be about fire-breathing dragons with some fantasy mixed in.  However, I am now confident that this book will teach a reader what it means to have a spirit-guide with you on a journey.

I believe you should get to know any spirit guide first before walking the path with them.  This relationship goes both ways.  The guide will want to get to know you as well.  That means you should know the historical significance of such a spirit guide.  Really learn to understand their abilities to help and guide you down your path.

With that said, I am pleased with the direction the winds are taking me with the book.  I will update the progress here on this blog.

Obviously, I will continue to post about my encounters on my path.  At times when I post I have crossed certain points in my path.  I hardly take the time to reflect because I am so excited to share.  Then I go back and read…sometimes I think “why did I write that??” other times…I am pleased with what I wrote.  Either way there is magick in writing down your encounters…when you go back and read you really feel the power of what you wrote.

I always go through these lulls in blogging and in my spiritual path.  I am sure I am not alone in this.  Some call it “phases”.  I am a believer that everything has its place and reason.  I may have been too engrossed in everything that subconsciously, someone or something, was telling me to slow down.  During my last blog post a lot was going on.  I was planning a wedding, got a promotion at work, going on a honeymoon, and working incredible hours.  All of this took my time and attention away from my spiritual studies.  A common problem among many I am sure.

I find myself very much part of a bigger circle that I revolve around.  Now that Spring is here, everything is starting to breathe life again.  We are all reborn; trees, animals, people, etc.  I feel rebirth all around me.  I got that “itch” again to step back into my Druid studies.  It makes perfect sense to me considering the season.  It made me chuckle a bit.  To know that my body is attuned to the Natural cycle even when I am not giving it much attention.  The fact that I recognized it this time spoke to my advancement in my path.  Last year I probably would have been oblivious to such a rebirth.

Another idea has now sprung to mind.  Do I have enough credibility to write a book on dragons and practical work with dragons?  There are not many books out there on the subject.  However, who am I?  No one really, but who were these authors before their first book was published?  The Pagan community tends to have an open mind; so why not try to write a book??


I don’t have much substance for a blog post.  I just entered through the gates of the Ovate in OBOD and the first Gwers (lessons) have been taking up much of my time as I prepare for a new, but continued journey down the Druid path.  As you may know, the Ovates were and are the healers, diviners, and workers of magic in the Druid ranks.  I’m sure this part of the journey is going to take much energy and inspire many interesting blog posts.  I have looked forward to this chapter in my life for quite some time.  I had to be ready to take this step, and I know that I am.

I have also been debating my next blog post in my head for quite some time.  I had thought of writing a post about Reconstructionists vs. Revivalists.  There seems to be some unwarranted arguements about who has the right vision and path when it comes to these two takes on paganism.  Honestly, I think both paths are right in their own way, and it’s the person who follows said path that determines what is right for them.  I don’t understand why all the debate around this topic.

Personally I am a Revivalist. I believe spirituality and religion should grow and take on different shapes much like the Natural world.  We all grow and change in one way another during our lives, and I believe my spirituality shouldn’t be any different.  Of course, I do use historical texts and whatnot, but I don’t feel compelled to practice as the Ancients did, because our World is a very different place than it was ages ago.  You may disagree with my stance, but that’s ok, like I said the path one chooses to follow is the right one for them.  Who am I to argue?

In wrapping this up, I am sure I will have a post this weekened as I dive into my Ovate work.  For the rest of this week I will be focusing on my learning.


I have mentioned this band before in the music section of this blog, but everytime I listen to one of their songs, I come to appreciate this band even more.  They are very Celtic influenced and like to tell stories through their songs; mostly about the Gallish wars.  The song below is titled “A Rose for Epona”.  The Goddess Epona was protector of horses, donkeys, and mules.  Epona was the sole Celtic diety that the Romans also worshiped.  Epona and her horses were also said to be the leader of the souls into the Afterlife.  This draws parrallels to Rhiannon of the Mabinogion.  Rhiannon and Epona share a lot of the same attributes.

The song tells about a time when the Gallic wars broke out.  The Helvetians decided to leave their homeland and migrate to the western coasts of Gaul to start a new life.   At the time, the song tells about how many Helvetians had to face shattered hopes.  And so does the protagonist, whose viewpoint the song was written.  A young gaulish woman was part of the helvetic migration, but after the battle of Bibracte, all hopes that she and her people would ever reach their new home were torn to pieces.  Her situation was desparate.  In this situation the young gaulish woman despairs, can’t accept her fate and turns to her goddess Epona and accuses her for having forsaken her people. (Nuclear Blast Europe)

Historical Note:  The reason the song was titled “A Rose for Epona” was that all over Gaul there were Epona temples where people traditionally offered freshly cut roses or rose petals to their goddess.


I’m not quite sure yet about my belief in the existence of the Fae or Faery folk.  I do understand that there are many out there, pagan and non-pagan alike, that believe in these other realm folk.  I did a bit of internet rummaging yesterday on the subject because I had the strangest thing happen to me the other day which left me looking for an explanation.  There is tons of information out there in regards to the Fae.  Some of the information is more fantasy, while others are almost scholarly in their explanations of the Fae.  The information I gathered appeared to have a general consensus that the Faery folk like to play games with us in this realm.  Examples of Faery hiding items from sight, to leave us looking all over, and then that item reappearing right where we left it in the first place are common on the internet.  The other day this prime example happened to me.

I had an incense stick that I had resting on the edge of my kitchen sink about half burnt.  While I was in the kitchen I spilled some water, so as I was grabbing a paper towel I accidentally knocked the incense stick onto the floor.  I saw where the incense landed and made a mental note to pick this up when I was finished cleaning up my spill.  I threw the paper towel into the trash and went to pick up the incense and it was gone.  At first I thought I must have perhaps kicked it under the kitchen mat.  I lifted the mat and it was not there.  I scoured the floor and could not find the incense.

At that point, I called in my fiance and asked her to look on the kitchen floor to find the stick of incense.  So there’s both of us very purposefully looking for the incense stick.  Neither her nor I could find it.  We looked under the oven and in any other crevice that perhaps the incense could have been kicked under.  Nothing.  I finally started to think that maybe I did throw it away when I tossed the paper towel into the trash.  I looked in the trash can and no incense stick.  I was completely and utterly confused.

Where did the incense stick go?!  After a few minutes we finally gave up looking and just assumed that it was buried in the trash.  I told my fiance there is no way it’s buried in the trash.  I would have just tossed it in the trash, and as a result, it would be lying on top of anything in the trash can.  We both decided to call off the search and just assume it was in the trash since it could not be found on the floor.

Yeah this became the obsession of our lives for at least ten to fifteen minutes. You should have seen us; it was a literal head-scratcher!

We both go back into the living room to watch television.  A couple minutes later, I get up to get a drink of water from the kitchen.  It’s then and there that I find the incense stick lying on the kitchen floor in the exact spot I remember seeing it when it fell on the floor.  I called my fiance into the kitchen and said, Look! I asked her if there was any way in the world she would have missed this when looking.  She said no chance it was plain as day.  I thought, exactly, there is no way that two of us very purposefully looking for the incense would have had any chance of missing that.  The incense could not have been any more in plain sight.  We were literally on our hands and knees looking on the floor not more than fifteen minutes ago.

My fiance instantly chalked it up to the Fae without a doubt in her mind.  She is a green witch and also believes in the realm of the Fae.  She stated that this is a very common prank that the Faery like to play on humans. For some reason, they have graced us with their presence, and this is their way of making it known.

I have always been one to view this realm with a bit more skepticism.  However, two nights ago, I began to question my view of this realm.  Could this realm actually exist?  Should I welcome the Fae into my home?  If I don’t acknowledge their presence will their pranks just keep on coming?  After the events of two nights ago I am left pondering that this realm, in fact, could be as real as ours. I have questions.

What do you think? Do you believe in the realm of the Fae?  Have you had similar experiences that you knew for sure was the Fae playing a prank?

Comments welcome!


Recently I have had a particular drawing to dragons.  I can’t really explain why either.  I know dragons are very powerful symbols in Celtic myth and legend; I knew this a few years ago.  However, a few years ago, I didn’t feel drawn to dragons.  I can deduct certain reasons why dragons have decided to grace me with their presence.   I’m glad they decided to enter my life.  I take this as a symbol of my spiritual development.  The dragons were only going to come into my life when I was ready for their presence.  I consider dragons a very real Otherworldly being; like the Sidhe.  As for this blog post, I decided to give you some insight into dragons from the Celtic perspective.

There is some debate as to when dragons appeared in Celtic myth.  Some believe that dragons didn’t make an appearance until early Christian times.  An important thing to remember here is that the Christians were very maticulous in developing written records.  Celtic society passed traditions orally.  Thus, it makes it a bit more difficult to fully know the exact influence dragons had on Celtic society apart from Christian documentation.  Christians changed the role of the dragon for their benefit; depicting the dragon as a symbol of evil or the devil.

The dragon was, arguably, the most powerful of all Celtic symbols.  It has been said that the Druids believed the Earth was like the body of a dragon, in which they built sacred stone circles upon the ‘Power Nodes’ of the dragon’s body.  Dragons were revered like Gods, bringing Earthly and Otherworldly forces together.   Dragons influenced the land and were associated with the power of the land.  Areas frequented by dragons were said to yield special powers.

Dragons are said to possess the gifts of wisdom, vision, and prophecy.  Dragons are the guardians of all knowledge and wisdom.  Dragons are the guardian spirits who protect the Earth and all living things.

Those who understand dragons and have knowledge of their ways will be blessed by their presence.  Dragons will protect you for as long as you let them.  Today many Wiccans and Druids bring the spirit of the dragon into their lives.

Below is a picture of my dragons.

Rocky Woods

There is a place by my home called Rocky Woods.  I took a trip over there because it is such a peaceful place and one can be with all the Elements in one place.  It’s a very powerful place to kindle a Fire of inspiration.  There are picnic tables on the shores of a pond in a clearing of tall pines.  It’s a densely wooded area which is protected by the Trustees of Reservations.  My fiance and I go there just to be in Nature and relax.  We take books to read and our journal.  Yesterday was a beautiful day so I decided to pen a poem based on what I observed yesterday at Rocky Woods.

Rocky Woods

The gentle warm breeze tickles the pond

With its little white hats

The water shares an image

Telling a story of the past

The dragonflies dance

Like graceful ballroom dancers

The frogs let their song be heard

Though not to be found

The pines stand tall and proud

A sentry of serenity

Songs of summer bountiful and true

Carried in the winds

To the wise listeners

It’s not often that I get into conversations about my spirituality.  However, when I do, one topic often comes up in conversation.  That topic is magic.  Typically my conversations are with those not of the pagan ways.  I often find myself answering questions about delusional ideas of magic.  The idea that I must attempt the magic of which is seen in Harry Potter movies or The Craft.  If those ideas of magic actually worked, I think everyone would attempt to practice the magical arts.  Then I wouldn’t have to answer so many questions about the reality of magic.  I explain what practicing magic means to me when I enter into these conversations.  The following is my view of what it means to practice the magical arts.

Magic is not a glamorous supernatural power apart from life.  It is the energies and processes of life itself.  Magic is rooted in our connectedness with the life of the world around us.  Magic’s greatest effect is to root us and connect us even more fully.  Magic is the expression of our connectedness.

Magic is being immersed in the world, a participant, part of the life of Nature.  To perform magic is to serve life.  Magic enhances the capacity of life in whatever form to be fully what it is and to become, perhaps, more than we might expect.

A mage understands the honor, joy, and responsibility of being part of a larger wholeness of life.  A mage serves the energies (nwyfre) that flow through that wholeness.

Magic is the ability to see the energy of Nature; and using that energy to help in life.  For example, knowing the effects of the moon’s energy and being able to use that energy to enhance your life.  Understanding and using different moon energies while its waxing, waning, full, or new.

Performing spells and rituals allow us to concentrate our energy into the ritual so that we may send it on the waves of nwyfre to manifest.  Rituals and spells allow for something tangible so that it may aid in keeping our focus of intentionality.  The proper intention is the key to successful magic.

Magic is not something made from a fake imagination.  In fact, imagination is a potent reality.  A reality that most adults allow to slip away, never to be found again.  Imagination is our minds’ way of experiencing patterns in nwyfre.  When we imagine something, that image takes shape in the nwyfre around us.

People have become disengaged from the Natural world.  Thus, the world has become disenchanted.  From our early school days, our minds have been shaped to become very linear thinking individuals.  It takes practice and committment to become holistic thinkers; thus beginning the process of re-enchantment.

Remember when you had an “imaginary” friend?   You could tell someone the exact details about the name, appearance, and personality of this being.   How real was this friend to you?  I’m sure as real as any other friend or family member you had at that time in your life.  I am here to tell you that the imagination is a reality on a different plane or realm.

I am one of the believers in magic.  I have a lot of synchronicity in my life.  It took me quite a while to truly understand that my connectedness and re-enchanment brought in tremendous amounts of synchronicity.  What some would call coincidence I call magic.


In Druidry the four elements are sacred.  Druids work with the elements each and every day.  In each one of us possesses traits of each element; some more dominant than others.  As for myself Fire, Air, and Water are equally noticeable.  Earth is the element that I need to incorporate more into my life.  For me it’s just a bit difficult to connect to this element.  Every day I work hard to bring Earth into my being.  I am starting to do more crystal work to connect with the powers of Earth.  I am also starting to walk barefoot amongst my yard to feel the Earth’s energy.  I am trying to allow Earth to ground me and to absorb any negative energy I may have on any given day.  I am sure eventually that I will connect deeper with this element to enrich my life even more.

I wrote a simple poem this morning about the elements.  I wanted to give one insight into what each element can do for us on a daily basis.  Again, this is just one aspect of what each element can bring.

Elemental Bliss

I am the wind

That liberates

I am the water

That heals

I am the land

That nurtures

I am the flame

That inspires

In my Druid spirituality I have learned, as well as most Druids (they would tell you), that we do not take ourselves too seriously.  You have to be able to laugh at yourself every now and then.  When you take yourself too seriously you miss out on living a fulfilled life.  I actually had to give this piece of advice to my fiance yesterday; my fiance is a Green Witch.

We took a trip to Salem, MA yesterday to visit some of the pagan stores to replenish some supplies.  We also love Salem because it is right on the ocean and has some great places to eat; as well as a thriving pagan community.

As most of you know, Salem was the sight of the famous witch trials of the late 1600s.  This was a very bleak time in Massachusetts history.  Today, Salem makes a lot of money off tourists visiting the historic sites.  Salem is aptly named “Witch City”.  There is a large pagan population in Salem.  In fact, pagans can express themselves freely without weird looks; it’s expected in this town.  It actually adds to the charm for tourists.  A tourist seeing a “real” witch or pagan is fascinating to them.  You will find solicitors trying to get you to go on ghost tours around the city.  You will find random wooden witch cut-outs so you can take a picture.  You know the ones where the face is cut-out so you can put yours in and snap a picture?  The picture I am trying to paint here is that of a town that capitalizes on its witch history and the active pagan community.

My fiance was getting very irritated yesterday with how commercialized Salem has made our religion.  She was upset with tourists walking around with those pointed witch hats, tourists taking pictures in those wooden witch cut-outs, tourists buying pagan supplies as souvenirs not knowing what they actually are used for, etc…

I told her it’s ok and not to worry. ‘Don’t take yourself so seriously.  It’s ok to smile when you see tourists soaking in the experience; they don’t know any better.  Let the tourists have fun.  You and I both know our ways and that should be good enough.  If you can’t laugh at yourself every now and again, who can you laugh at?’

The point I was trying to make was that we don’t have to be so rigid when it comes to our pagan spiritualities.  Live life and laugh; if you don’t you may end up miserable!  There is a time and place to be serious, and there is a time and place to let loose a bit.

I enjoyed seeing the tourists have fun.  Perhaps at the end of the day they learned a little about the pagan community.  Perhaps some of their ignorance was washed away.  But if all that came from these tourists was a day of fun for them then so be it.  I am not going to take issue with that.  I have other things to worry about.